How do I use the Action Builder? What do the options mean? What can my button or tab do?

Modified on Fri, 10 Feb, 2023 at 5:01 PM

The Action Builder allows you to apply an action to a button in a custom view or the Home Screen and to set up a tab to open specific content such a list of items or page within the app. 

Try the actions

  1. From the App Store, download and install the "EventPilot Conference App"
  2. When prompted, enter the code EPDEMO
  3. Tap on MORE on the bottom right and scroll to the tab called ActionBuilder Samples


Select between opening a URL in the internal browser or an external browser. Always use https:// when entering a URL.

Important: Due to device limitations, in app tabs, only the internal browser can be used.

Elsewhere, mainly on custom views such as your home screen, you have the choice. The internal browser available native to the app has some restrictions and are not very forgiving on custom scripts running on those pages. Ensure to always test the web pages you are pointing to using the internal browser.  If you run into any issues, use external browser instead.

If the website you'd like to link from an app tab is not performing well in the internal browser, you can create a custom view to act as an intermediary. Consider adding a title, a paragraph object with relevant information or instructions, and/or a relevant image, such as an organization logo. Then, add a button (or custom image) to hold your link. Since this is a custom view, you can now use the external browser.

App Function

These are useful if you wish to link from the Home Screen to an internal app page:

  1. Contacts On this page, attendees can build their own QR based digital contact card, see a list of contacts they scanned themselves, and launch the contact card QR reader
  2. Custom View You can link to any custom view, for example, the General Information page
  3. Favorites Your attendees can view a list of the items they bookmarked or left notes on.
  4. Happening Now List of sessions that are currently going on
  5. Maps Maps page within the app
  6. Messaging View Messaging view within the app
  7. QR Reader Generic QR code reader to scan URLs (e.g. if exhibitors display QR codes in their booths)
    Please note: This is not a QR code reader to scan Contacts or ScanHunt game points
  8. Schedule Visual schedule view

  9. Search Global search
  10. Settings Login settings page
  11. Upcoming Sessions List of sessions that start within the next 15 minutes
  12. User Scheduled List of sessions, by day, that the user added to their schedule

Individual Item

Imagine you want to link an image on the Home Screen to the matching item - a photo of the keynote speaker to the keynote session or an exhibitor logo to their exhibitor detail view. You can do this by choosing Individual Item, then one of the choices below.

  1. Session - Choose in order to link to a particular session 
  2. Speaker - Choose in order to link to a particular speaker detail view
  3. Exhibitor - Choose in order to link to a particular exhibitor detail view
  4. Media - Choose in order to link to a particular media item
  5. Attendee - Choose in order to link to a particular attendee's detail view

Once you've specified which table, you'll be able to search for the particular record by name or ID. 

List of Items

The vast majority of your actions will likely lead to a variety of lists. For example, you want to display the following:

  • the award winning posters (subset of media)
  • sessions that have ondemand recordings (subset of sessions)
  • instead of having a single speaker list, you may have one list of presenting authors and one list of all co-authors (subsets of speakers)
  • supporters (subset of exhibitors)

To do this, choose List of Items. Similarly to linking to an individual item, you will then choose which table you'd like to make your list from.

  1. Sessions Display (a subset) of a list of sessions. Session list views display parent sessions and automatically jump to the current day.

    Next, you will choose how to organize the full list of sessions or specify the subset of sessions you'd like to display: 
    1. By Day Program page with a list of all sessions by day 
    2. On Demand List of sessions without date and time
    3. By Type Browse by session types
    4. Flagged for Credit If you are using the credit API, this action opens a special page that lists all sessions the user has flagged previously for credit. On this page, users can unflag any of the flagged sessions.
    5. Morning Sessions Sessions that start before noon
    6. Afternoon Sessions Sessions that start between noon and 5pm local time
    7. Evening Sessions Sessions that start after 5pm local time
    8. Set You handpick a set of sessions that should appear - this can include sub-session (presentation level sessions). They will appear in the main list with any parent sessions you have selected. 
    9. By Venue List of sessions with locations that are pinned on a map that is associated to a particular venue
    10. By Map List of sessions with locations that are pinned on a specific floor plan image
    11. By Location List of sessions at a particular pinned location (e.g. all sessions in a given ballroom)
    12. Add Filter Display a subset of your session list pre-filtered by one or more filter keywords or any session type (for example, you want to highlight all sessions of type "Late Breaking")
  2. Exhibitors Display (a subset of) a list of exhibitors 
    Note: Pre-filtered exhibitor lists do not show the filter keyword on top of the list
    Next, you will choose how to organize the full list of exhibitors, or specify the subset of exhibitors you'd like to display:
    1. List with Map Displays the default exhibitor view within the app that consists of three tabs with a search field above. The tabs are: list by exhibitor type, expo map, list by exhibitor booth number.
      1. All Include all exhibitors in this display
      2. Add Filter Specify one or more filter keywords and only show exhibitors with those keywords in this display 
    2. Text List Displays exhibitors in a single list view (no three panes and no expo map within the view itself). This is useful if you have supports that are not exhibiting but you want to list them. 
      1. All Include all exhibitors in this display
      2. Add Filter Specify one or more filter keywords and only show exhibitors with those keywords in this display
  3. Speakers Display the full list of speakers or subset pre-filtered by one or more filter keywords
    1. All Show all speakers in the list
    2. Add Filter Specify one or more filter keywords and only show speakers with those keywords in the list
  4. Media Display all media items (links, abstracts, uploaded speaker content, etc.) or a subset pre-filtered by one or more filter keywords  
    1. By Type
      1. Abstract Media items of type int/html (generally imported full text abstracts)
      2. PDF All media items of type PDF (the media item type must be set to PDF - merely linking to a URL that ends in .pdf as HTML type does not make the link a PDF type. The PDF type must be set)
      3. XPub Speaker portal virtual posters with audio explanations
      4. External Web External web links
    2. Add Filter Specify one or more filter keywords and only show items with those keywords in the list
  5. Attendees Display the full list of attendees or a subset pre-filtered by one or more filter keywords (for example, you may want to split the overall attendee list into two lists - one displaying professional attendees and a list of faculty or staff)
    1. All Show all speakers in the list
    2. Add Filter Specify one or more filter keywords and only show speakers with those keywords in the list