How do I find Abstracts or PDFs / PowerPoints / Posters for sessions?

Modified on Mon, 14 Mar, 2022 at 3:18 PM

Via Search or the Program tab in your conference app, find the session you are interested in - if slides or posters in PDF format or full text abstracts are available for this session, they’ll be listed in the session details at the bottom of the page.

Sometimes you may be limited from accessing certain associated content: 

  • slides could be access limited and you must be logged into the app in order to access them
  • only certain user groups are allowed to access certain media content
  • links have been prepared for content that will be loaded later (the app may already have the link available but will inform you that the file is not yet available for download)
Ensure you have WiFi access in order to download slides and PDF files on demand into the app.

Medical and scientific research abstracts may be embargoed and may not display the text until the embargo is lifted. The availability date and time will be displayed instead.