What error messages might a player see for invalid QR codes?

Modified on Mon, 9 Aug, 2021 at 11:27 AM

A player will receive slightly different messages based on the scenario:

1) If a QR code was not yet active (has a future start date from when they attempted to scan): The message provides the title of the activity and then the message "This activity is not currently available. It will be available starting [insert start date and time]."

A screenshot of a ScanHunt game with error message "Scan Failed" for event "Meet Santa," with the explanation: "This activity is not currently available. It will be available starting Friday, December 24, 2021 at 11:58pm."

2) If the end time for a QR code is past (for example the QR code is embedded in a recorded presentation for example and was only active if they attended the live presentation): The message provides the title of the activity and then the message "This activity is no longer available"

3) If the QR code is not part of this game: The message reads "This activity appears to be for a different event"