If you are importing keywords into one of the filters and that filter is visible in your filter card, the system automatically generates a page listing all keywords in your filter. These listings automatically link to that pre-filtered list of sessions, or speakers, or media items, or exhibitors. Learn more about filters (keywords / meta tags).
Example custom view listing all keywords imported into the filter 2 field in the attendee data table.
Imagine, you are importing the country as one of the filters for your attendees. Keywords (meta tags) within that filter are the different country names.
Data Import in CMS
The import source (spreadsheet, CSV, or 3rd party reg system integration) contains data for country in the import. In the screenshot below, you can see that the Country column is mapped to the Filter 2 field in EventPilot.
Once imported, open the Filter card below the Import card and make sure your filters are displaying (if you click X next to the filter, the custom view will not be generated).
Label your filters accordingly. In this case, Filter 2 is used for the Country so therefore it is labeled Country. If you also import the country for your speakers in one of the 4 speaker filters, be clear in your labels. In that case the label should be Attendee Country.
Filters that appear visible in the Filter card also visually appear in the platform (native apps and desktop planner) so users can limit what they see to specific keywords in that filter. Notice in the app screenshot below how the Country filter appears in the attendee list Filter drawer. Clicking on that filter would display all the available keywords (country names in this case).
Custom Views for Filters
If your filter is visible in the filter card, EventPilot generates a custom views for each filter in each table. So if you have 3 filters available in your Agenda Sessions, and 1 filter in Agenda Speakers, and 2 filters in your attendee list, the system will generate a total of 6 custom views = one per filter. These views are generated and updated during each data publish (you clicking the publish button).
You can add links within your app to those custom views. The links can be added either from another custom view, your home screen, or a tab to such a custom view. For example, on your home screen you could add a button "Attendees by Country". Here is how to do that:
- Under the Design menu in the CMS, click the edit icon to open the custom view in the custom view builder
- Drag a Button object from the Objects list into the home screen and position where you'd like to it to appear
- Set up the link using the ActionBuilder:
- App Function > Custom Views > Select the Filter label (in this example, the filter was labeled Country)
Note: After you select the label, the ActionBuilder will display the custom view's ID. In our particular example, the keywords were imported into the filter 2 field. Behind the scenes, the attendees table is called members. Therefore, the ActionBuilder displays members_filter2.
[Additional example: Imagine you had a filter called 'Education Level' for your agenda sessions and the keywords are imported into filter 1, then you would select 'Education Level' from the drop down in the ActionBuilder and the result would display agenda_filter1] - Enter the title for your button e.g. Attendees by Country
- Choose the background color for the button
- Select the icon from the list of icons or upload your own icon
- Click Done
- App Function > Custom Views > Select the Filter label (in this example, the filter was labeled Country)
Publish and test your setup.
Screenshot of how the button appears to your users:
When users tap or click on the button, they see the list of keywords from your countries you imported into filter 2. This is the custom view automatically generated by the CMS. It displays all the keywords we had imported into the attendee list. If on a next data import new attendees from new countries are added, the page automatically updates itself when you publish your dataset.