If a speaker already uploaded requested content, what happens if I change the session type?

Modified on Tue, 31 Jan, 2023 at 10:02 AM

If you change the session type for upload requests after you had already invited speakers to upload content, the media item will remain and behave accordingly to the original  setup including the embargo selection. It will display the original upload label underneath the title and remain associated to the session and speaker ID. 

Imagine the following example

Setup scenario example

  1. Speaker Portal: You had asked your speakers for session type "Posters" to upload a 3min video. You had set that speaker portal upload request to be embargoed until session date and time. 
  2. Session Data: Your speakers uploaded the files well in advance of the event. Now one speaker gets sick and cannot attend in person. For that speaker, you change their presentation session type in the Session data from "Posters" to "OnDemand."

Scenario 1: Switch to a session type that also has the same upload type (in our example: video)

  1. Imagine your session type "OnDemand" also had an upload request of type 'video' but there is no embargo - those videos can be watched at any time. 
  2. Attendee view: 
    The already uploaded video will remain associated to the original session and be embargoed until session date/time, because it was uploaded as a video for "Posters" and matches the upload setup for that. 
  3. Speaker Portal: 
    The speaker will see that video as an optional item to edit or remove in the speaker portal.

Scenario 2: Switch to a session type that does not have a video upload request, but a different file type request e.g. a PDF

  1. Imagine your session type "OnDemand" did not have any video upload requests but a PDF upload request instead
  2. Attendee view: 
    The already uploaded video will remain associated to the original session and be embargoed until session date/time, because it was uploaded as a video for "Posters" and matches the upload setup for that.
  3. Speaker Portal: 
    The speaker will see that video to edit or remove in the speaker portal. 
    1. If the speaker deletes the video, the upload request will disappear for the speaker since this session type does not have a video upload request. The PDF request will remain. 
    2. The speaker will not receive another portal invite as the speaker had already received an invite with their personal link to the portal.
    3. The speaker will see the PDF upload request that you set up for this session type.

If the speaker had not yet uploaded content, they would not see the original upload request -- only the upload request for the session type you have switched to. 

Scenario 3: Switch to a session type that has no upload request at all

  1. Imagine your session type "OnDemand" does not have any file upload requests in your Speaker Portal 
  2. Attendee view: 
    The already uploaded video will remain associated to the original session and be embargoed until session date/time, because it was uploaded as a video for "Posters" and matches the upload setup for that.
  3. Speaker Portal: 
    The speaker will not see that video as an optional item to edit or remove in the speaker portal.

Note: If you switched to a session type without any upload requests, the speaker still has access to the Speaker Portal. This is because you had sent the email invite to that speaker while the session had an upload request. But you then switched the session type to one that doesn't have upload requests. So there is nothing for this speaker to upload. The speaker can log into the speaker portal but will not see any sessions or upload requests in this case.