I want my staff to first review the uploaded content before going live. How should I do that?

Modified on Fri, 24 Mar, 2023 at 11:56 AM

The Conference App Builder will provide you with an Uploads Report that includes a detailed list of all files uploaded including a special preview link. You can share this link with your reviewers to take a look at the uploaded file and bypass any embargo setting. The reviewer must be able to log into the platform (web app/planner/native app) in order to access the content. 

1. Set an Embargo Date to Limit Access for Attendees

As soon as content is getting uploaded, the connections are created for the session detail views and the speaker detail views. The upload links appear on the next live data publish. Ensure to limit access by setting an embargo such as the session date. Learn more in the Content Upload Setup section in this article.

2. Provide the Special Preview Links to Reviewers

  1. In the Conference App Builder > Add-Ons > Speaker Portal > Reports > Download the CSV under Uploads Report
  2. Share the links only with your reviewers (reviewers must be registered or able to log into the web app or planner just like your attendees)