How do I add live closed captioning to the EventPilot Conference App?

Modified on Mon, 24 Jun at 12:05 PM

Integrate live closed captioning into your Event App

Consult your A/V provider to determine which closed captioning service they support. Your provider can supply a unique URL for each room where closed captioning will be set up. 

For any sessions where closed captioning is offered, include the closed captioning URL via a media item link that appears below the session description. Alternatively, you can directly add the URL link to your closed caption service within the session description field.

StreamText is one example we have seen used. Sample URL:

Add live CC Links Dynamically to each Session (via Session Status Widget)

For EventPilot Pro users, an add-on widget could streamline the end user experience: Session Status Widget. 

The session status widget is a dynamic button that appears in the session detail view for logged in users. It displays when the session starts. You can custom label it "Closed Captioning" and it disappears when the session is over (timing based on your agenda data). 

After the live session is over, the Session Status Widget could display a different link. For example, you could either have it go to a CC transcript or to your session recording link.

Please contact your Project Manager to learn more about pricing and setup. 

Add CC Links Statically via Media Items

Alternatively, the links could be added directly in the session description or as a media item from each session detail view. Learn how to add media items: 

How do I add media items (like polls, surveys, closed caption links, or other URL links) to a session?