User Report (UserReport.csv)

Modified on Mon, 20 Jun, 2022 at 1:04 PM

  • Username
    • An attendee's username is based on/decided by your authentication method.
  • Scheduled Session IDs
    • A comma-separated list of session IDs that the user had scheduled.
  • Scheduled Sessions Count
    • The number of sessions that the user had scheduled.
  • Total Bookmarked Items
    • The number of items that the user bookmarked. Sessions, speakers, exhibitors, attendees, and certain media items can be bookmarked.
  • Total Notes Taken
    • The number of notes that the user recorded. Notes can be taken on sessions, speakers, exhibitors, attendees, and certain media items.
  • Total Comments
    • The number of comments that the user posted. Users can comment in various places if you have opted to include the features in your event:
      • Chats on individual sessions (Discussion Chat must be ON)
      • Chats on exhibitors (Exhibitor Chat must be ON)
      • Community Chats/chat discussion views (Discussion Chat must be ON)
  • Messages Sent
    • The number of messages that the user sent, if you have opted to include the feature for your event.
  • Photos Uploaded
    • The number of photos that the user uploaded to the Activity Feed. (The Activity Feed must be enabled and "Show Photos in Activity Feed" must be ON for users to post photos.)
  • Session Ratings: Number of Sessions Rated
    • This column will be included if your project uses session ratings, which allows a user to rate the sessions they attended out of five stars. They can also respond "didn't attend."
    • The number of sessions that the user rated on the one to five star scale.
  • Session Ratings: Didn't Attend
    • This column will be included if your project uses session ratings. The number of sessions that the user responded "didn't attend" to. 
  • Average Rating
    • This column will be included if your project uses session ratings. The average of all the session ratings the user gave.
  • Total Activities
    • The following are activities in the app: scheduling a session, bookmarking an item, taking a note, commenting, messaging, rating a session, posting a photo
    • This is the sum count of all the activities the user performed.